Cim lab manual vtu














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Old VTU Question Papers, Lecture Notes, Study materials, laboratory manuals, instructional materials and video lectures developed by Dr. Hareesha N G, Dept. of Cim Lab Manual - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab Manual. VTU exam syllabus of CIM Lab for Mechanical Engineering Seventh Semester 2017 scheme. Manual CNC part programming for 2 turning and 2 milling parts. CIM LAB. MECHANICAL / VI SEM. 1. COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING. LABORATORY. (14AME31). (For III B.Tech - II SEM- Mechanical Engineering). COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING LABORATORY (14AME31). CIM Lab syllabus for ME 7 Sem 2017 scheme VTU CBCS 17MEL77. CIM System - MillBox MillBox CAM softwareCIM & Automation Lab (10ME78). LIST OF PROGRAMS. TURNING OPERATION. 1) Write a manual part program for Simple Facing Operation. 2) Write a manual part CIM Lab · SeeNC TURN. Manual Part Program for Facing, Step turning, Taper and Finish Turning using ordinary and canned cycle. · CAPS TURN. NC Code Generation for Part-A. Manual CNC part programming for 2 turning and 2 milling parts.Selection and assignment of tools, correction of syntax and logical errors, Problem No. 9. Write a part program to perform STEP TURNING OPERATION#VTU#MECHANICAL

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